Mehtab began singing at age 4 under the guidance of her father, late Raghubir Malhotra, followed by training from Ustaad’s of the Delhi Gharana including Ustaad Iqbal Ahmed Khan. Ghazal is her passion and her fi rst stage performance was at age 7, followed by over 600 concerts in India and the U.K. Her fondness for the romantic and socially-charged poetry of Faiz, Mir, Ghalib, Zauq is evident from her repertoire.
In 1998 she visited Lahore to record an album with the Late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, named Samandar mein Samandar.
Music unites and dissolves diff erences is Mehtab’s great belief. She practices as Barrister from Lincoln’s Inn, London and is a Senior Lecturer in Law.
Accompanied By
Af Malhotra - Tabla
Ikram khan - Sarangi
Junaid Khan – Sarangi