This book follows the story of a girl, Poppet, of mixed middle-class Hindu and Elite Muslim parentage from post-independent India to her family’s migration to post – colonial Trinidad.
Ira Mathur is an Indian -born Trinidadian award -winning multimedia journalist with degrees in Literature, Law, and Journalism. She is currently the Trinidad Guardian’s longest running columnist and has freelanced for the Guardian UK and the BBC.
In 2021 Mathur was longlisted for the Bath Novel Award for her unpublished novel “Touching Dr. Simone”. In 2018 she was shortlisted for the Bridport Short Story, the Lorian Hemmingway (short story) & Small Axe Literary Competition
Mathur gained diplomas in creative writing at the University of East Anglia/Guardian with James Scudamore & Gillian Slovo and Maggie Gee at the Faber Academy.