Having completed a Psychology degree, Rukshana Chenoy Horwood had a passion for travel and writing. She worked for an airline for twenty-five years and accordingly followed her passion by traveling and writing about her travels. As this is her first novel, she is nervous about it and while she wanted to get it published, she doesn’t want anyone to read it!
She has delivered a baby at thirty-five thousand feet, trained the most challenging flight and cabin crew, and coached frustrated CEOs but says all of that combined, does not compare to the challenge of bringing up her daughter, (now fourteen years old).
Story of her life. Life on a Postcard is just that — her life on a postcard. Well, several postcards. The story is told through many snapshots, anecdotes, and incidents. It follows the life of a young girl. The young girl is plucked from her very comfortable existence in Middle England, in the middle of her fourteenth year, and transported to… where else? Hyderabad, India of course. Here she experiences the local culture, local neighbors, local hospitals, and local boys.
Speakers – Lord Karan Bilimoria, Founder Cobra Beer and Peer in the House of Lords, and Rukshana Horwood, Author of Life on a Postcard (Background in Psychology and People Management Consultant)