Dance Eka Nyka – one & many

Shreya Patel
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The ancient Indian scriptures sing gloriously about IT – the Brahman, the universal self or divine presence! Whatever the name or form of that Divine, Indian philosophy believes the attainment of blissful union with Brahman is the true goal. The same journey, the same goal, many paths - is the essence of Eka Nyka! It will feature a no. of compositions ranging from traditional to contemporary, from 8th-century saint, Adi Shankara to 20th century composers of music for dance. The presentation will comprise a plethora of emotions, moods and situations conveyed through a garland of innovative choreography with sprinkling of scintillating pure dance numbers in different Indian languages.

Trained by award winning artistic director Ramya Harishankar at the California based Arpana Dance Company, Shreya Patel has learnt numerous dance styles including contemporary, ballet, jazz, and hip-hop from a very young age. Since her Arangetram in 2015, Patel has participated actively in Arpana Dance Company’s presentations. In 2022, Shreya performed as a backup dancer for A.R. Rahman with the Blue13 Dance Company. She also served as lead dancer for the Roy and Edna Disney CalArts Theatre Dance Festival and was a featured soloist for The Music Center LA. She blends with dedication and creativity the best of all the forms she has been trained in to present a unique and lively performance.