Panel Discussion
In a year of huge political and cultural upheaval both for UK and the world, issues affecting women directly and indirectly are increasingly being debated. Despite the notoriety of the events that have brought these issues to the forefront, the movement for empowerment of women has gained momentum. Nevertheless, whilst initiatives started by US and British women from the creative industries in particular have gone viral, there remains a notable lack of influence of the Indian and Hindu female voice.
This evening is a chance to understand and explore some of these issues through the lens of Hindu dharmic values. Throughout the evening, we hope to tackle some of the key challenges facing women whilst highlighting real life examples of women from diverse backgrounds and sectors who have added value to society through channelling their inner female divinity and dharmic qualities.
Aham Brahmasmi is a principle tenet of the Dharmic Philosophy that we can all be inspired by, but it is our job to bring out the divine qualities so join us and hear from the women who are unique leaders in society. As we celebrate International Women’s Day 2018 let’s articulate how female qualities can be better articulated and manifested to create a better future for all living beings, in all their forms.
Names of Speakers TBC