Exhibition: Delhi and Hyderabad: A Green Renaissance

Aga Khan Development Network
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Amidst the historic resting places of past empires, revived neighbourhoods arise today, creating new opportunities for prosperous futures. A future that assures an abundant inheritance of arts, sciences, and cultures. Delhi has, since the 13th century, been the seat of sovereignties and from 1947, the capital of a free and independent India. Hyderabad, a princely 16th century city founded as a trading centre around the fortified citadel of Golconda, is the seat of government of the State of Telangana. In each city, beginning in the early 21st century, people – residents, public institutions, private philanthropy, and the corporate sector have come together to enable a synergistic, community-centred urban transformation.

Innovation, talent, and imagination have united to restore life to monuments, resuscitate surrounding greenery, reinvigorate cultures, revitalise heritage, regenerate local economies and preserve and protect the environment. The exhibition depicts outcomes of the partnership that brought together: Aga Khan Development Network, Archaeological Survey of India, South Delhi Municipal Corporation, Central Public Works Department, Swadesh Darshan (Government of India), Department of Heritage Telangana, Quli Qutb Shahi Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad, and Indian and international corporate and public and private philanthropic entities.