Music: Pravaham

Aparna Raguraman
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Aparna Raguraman is a young and talented artist in the UK, carrying forward a rich musical legacy as the daughter and disciple of All India Radio A-Grade artists, Balu and Subathra Raguraman. Aparna’s musical journey is marked by significant achievements, including winning two Milapfest National awards and performing alongside renowned artists like Anoushka Shankar. She has toured Italy with the Isha Foundation and gave her solo concert at the prestigious Darbar Festival in 2023. Aparna continues to hone her craft under the guidance of Smt. A Kanyakumari.

Sriram is an accomplished Mridangam player, having trained under P Kirupakaran and performed his Mridangam Arangetram at the age of 13. He has accompanied numerous young artists in the UK in their vocal, Veena, and Bharatanatyam Arangetrams and has performed at the Darbar Festival. Sriram is also skilled in playing the mandolin.

Junaid, a student of Ustad Shahbaz Hussain and son of the prominent ghazal singer Zeeshan Ali Khan, is trained in the Punjab and Delhi Gharanas. He has performed with legends like Ustad Ghulam Ali and Ustad Shafqat Ali Khan. Junaid has also ventured into Western fusion music and performed at iconic venues like Wembley Stadium and Trafalgar Square.