Saving the Rhinos - A Campaign for Conservation of Wild-life Population from Extinction. Rhinos have been an integral part of the natural world for tens of millions of years, and human kind is causing dramatic declines in just a few decades. Recently the shocking news of the death of the last Northern white male rhino, the saving the species from extinction has become an urgent and serious issue. Conservationists recently announced that the Black Rhino in Western Africa has become extinct and the White Rhino in Central Africa is currently teetering on the brink of extinction. Rhino is now an endangered species, Saving the Rhinos world over and especially in Assam has become an urgent issue and can no longer be ignored or undermined. In the North East of India, there is a need for protection of forests and conservation of endangered species, like one horned rhino, Asian elephant and tiger. With the increase in Indian rhino poaching and killings, large scale destruction of wildlife, international community needs a program of conservation of one horned rhino, Asian elephant and tiger which are increasingly becoming endangered species. Panel: Chair, Rita Payne, President Emeritus, Commonwealth Journalists Association Speakers: Lord Sheikh Rt Hon. Virendra Sharma MP Vijay Mehta, Co-Founder and Chair of Uniting for Peace. Pralab Barua, Director, Paymek Consultant Pvt Ltd Kongkona Sarma Co-founder of Gypsyfeet and trained economist Chief guest: HE Mr. Y K Sinha, High Commissioner of lndia In association with FASS: Rini Kakati